ARTIST / Consultancy

Ömer Uluç

Ömer Uluç (b. 1931- d.2010)

Born in 1931, Uluç studied engineering and then painting in the United States after graduating from Robert College. He took part in this anti-academic group called “Attic painters”, which was founded under the leadership of Nuri İyem between 1951-52. He opened his first personal exhibitions at the French Consulate in Istanbul in 1951 and in Boston in 1955. In his later years, he held numerous solo exhibitions between 1955-1998, especially in Istanbul, Ankara, Boston, Paris and Berlin. In his artistic life, besides his works on canvas, he also produced sculptures from different materials. He died in Istanbul in 2010.

Acrylic Paint on Fiber 120 x 120 cm

Mixed Media on MDF 105 x 85 cm

Tuvale Marufle Kağıt Üzerine Yağlı Boya 100 x 73 cm

Acrylic on canvas 100 x 130 cm

Acrylic on canvas 134 x 194 cm

Oil on canvas 150 x 85 cm

Acrylic paint on MDF 105 x 85 cm

Acrylic on fiber 100 x 100 cm

Oil on canvas 65.5 x 82 cm

Mixed media on canvas 113 x 134 cm

Oil on canvas 200 x 254 cm

Acrylic on canvas 177 x 177 cm