ARTIST / Consultancy

Selim Turan

Selma Gürbüz (b.1960- d.2021)

Born in 1960, Gürbüz started her art education at Exeter College in England in 1978, in the fields of painting, photography and theater. She graduated from Marmara University Fine Arts Faculty Painting Department in 1984. She opened her first solo exhibition in Istanbul in 1986. Throughout her artistic life, she produced many works in the fields of painting, sculpture, engraving and weaving. Selma Gürbüz depicts the imaginary forms, magic symbols and symbol animals produced by human beings with fantastic contemporary interpretations in her works. The works of the artist are in collections such as The British Museum-London, Galerie Maeght Collection-Paris, Santral Istanbul, Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul Modern, Istanbul and Ankara Painting and Sculpture Museum. She died in Istanbul in 2021.

Oil on canvas 100 x 80 cm

Oil paint on duralite 98 x 148 cm

Oil on canvas 92.5 x 60 cm

Oil on canvas 55 x 23 cm

Oil paint on duralite 62 x 50 cm

Oil on canvas 60 x 80 cm

Oil on canvas 49 x 62 cm